Passing it on…

I recently worked on this with my little girl, we wanted to make a sundial and put our heads together to make something which was a little different to the trad sundial you’d see lingering in the garden of a country house.

We added a bit of zing to it and steel, just tack-welded and sprayed up, looked good! A bright red that really sings out in the sunshine..

I love working with kids and mentally count the days until my girl can spend her days making whatever she dreams of in the workshops where I work. I’d happily let her loose on any of the equipment I use and the deftness of kids’ making hands and the wildness of their ideas is a joy.

I think we don’t give enough credence to that, don’t give them enough rope to do these things I really think they can safely do.

A wise man I know once said the pyramids were built by teenagers, basically ; sadly no one lived to be very old as an Egyptian slave or worker, and I agree with the sentiment of the abilities of the young to be massively capable..

The sundial worked, by the way…just imagine one in blue, yellow, green…
